INVIGORATING THE INTERNAL AUDIT PROFESSION THROUGH ROBUST GOVERNANCE AND CONTROLS (2020-08-18) By Jené Palmer CA(SA) (CGF Lead Independent Consultant) and peer reviewed by Terrance M. Booysen The recent public censure and financial penalties imposed by the JSE Limited on Tongaat Hulett Ltd and EOH Ltd for non-compliance with the JSE Listing Requirements, again brings the effectiveness of the internal audit profession (and indeed external audit) into question. Is internal audit adding value? The question is relevant to both the public and private sector where examples of financial misstatement and the circumvention of internal procurement policies and procedures are increasingly being uncovered. In these circumstances, questions need to be asked about the future role and stakeholder expectations of internal audit. August 18, 2020 Audit Committee, Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Internal Audit, Risk internal audit, governance, audit committee, Corporate Governance Framework®, GRC, Chief Audit Executive, CAE Read More >>
INTERNAL AUDITORS PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN STRENGTHENING THE GOVERNANCE OF AN ORGANISATION (2020-08-12) By Glen Talbot(CA) SA and Terrance Booysen and peer reviewed by Jené Palmer CA(SA) People who occupy positions of authority include not only executive and non-executive directors of the board, but also managers who have the means of influencing or causing material changes in the organisation. The latter, according to the South African Companies Act of 2008, are known as ‘prescribed officers’ and together with the organisation’s directors and internal auditors, can all be held liable for not ensuring that the interests of the organisation are being adequately served and protected. August 12, 2020 Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework, Internal Audit, Risk, Stakeholders Corporate Governance Framework®, internal auditors, governance framework, GRC, CGF, stakeholders, assurance Read More >>
SURVIVING DISRUPTIONS IN BUSINESS CALLS FOR MORE AGILE BOARDS AND A ROBUST GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK (2020-07-23) By Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Jené Palmer CA(SA) (CGF Lead Independent Consultant) Even prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the ease of doing business in South Africa was already under great pressure. According to the World Bank’s annual ratings, South Africa’s ranking had deteriorated from 82nd position amongst 190 economies to 84th position in 2019. The Covid-19 saga has clearly made matters far worse for businesses to survive in South Africa, hence requiring greater board agility to weather and beat the socio-economic tsunami we are now facing. July 23, 2020 Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework governance framework, disruptions, Corporate Governance Framework® Read More >>
COVID-19: ADDRESSING DEBILITATING RISKS REQUIRES A ROBUST GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK (2020-04-17) By Terrance M. Booysen and peer reviewed by Jené Palmer CA(SA) (CGF Lead Independent Consultant) The times we are currently living in are unprecedented. Covid-19 has once again highlighted the reasons why governance -- good governance -- is a critical function in a democratic country. April 17, 2020 Corporate Governance Framework®, Ethics, General, Governance Framework Corporate Governance Framework®, ethics, sustainability, governance framework Read More >>
COVID-19: A BRAVE NEW WORLD WHERE GOOD GOVERNANCE IS KEY (2020-03-25) Credits Dear CGF clients, constituents and followers A brave new world As the world, and indeed South Africa, now faces the uncertainty of a risk that threatens human life, business operations and social movement as we know it, the Corona virus (Covid-19) has forced the world’s leaders and businesses to rethink measures aimed at protecting a nation and its inhabitants to ensure their safety and survival. March 25, 2020 COVID 19, General COVID-19, coronavirus, good governance, Read More >>
OUR GENERAL APPROACH TO COVID-19 (2020-03-19) CGF is a Proudly South African company which offers a wide range of corporate governance services for all industry sectors, no matter the size of the organisation. Our Lead Independent Consultants specialise in various areas of governance risk and compliance (GRC), working across South Africa. March 19, 2020 COVID 19, General COVID-19, pandemic, World Health Organisation, WHO, GRC, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, Read More >>
DEMYSTIFYING ISO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STANDARDS AND RELATED GUIDELINES (2019-10-25) By Stephen Simmonds (Independent Lead Consultant - Integrated Management Systems: CGF Research Institute) and peer reviewed by Terrance M. Booysen (Director: CGF Research Institute) The number of management systems has risen dramatically in recent years, reflecting the increasing governance demands being placed on more and more organisations and their boards, and especially so in the wake of a myriad of governance scandals and corporate collapses locally and abroad. October 25, 2019 General, Integrated Management Systems, ISO Standards ISO 37000, iso management system standards, ISO Standards, Stephen Simmonds Read More >>
COMBINED ASSURANCE: IS YOUR ORGANISATION ADEQUATELY ASSURED? (2019-10-01) By Glen Talbot(CA)SA, Travers Cape (CA)SA and peer viewed by Jene’ Palmer CA(SA): CGF Lead Independent Consultants If we have both internal and external auditors, we have combined assurance, right? Wrong! For the board of directors to claim that they have discharged their obligations to implement a Combined Assurance Model requires much more than just the appointment of internal and external auditors. October 1, 2019 Combined Assurance, General combined assurance, lines of defense, board of directors, assurance Read More >>
INTERNAL AUDIT REQUIRE GREATER REPRESENTATION ON THE BOARD (2019-08-05) A plethora of corporate governance codes has been written across the world, and in spite of their recommendations which inter alia seek to protect stakeholder interests and shareholder value, many governance failures and organisational collapses continue seemingly unabated. August 5, 2019 Board of Directors, Combined Assurance, Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework, Internal Audit, Praefectus™, Risk corporate governance codes, Chief Audit Executive, Corporate Governance Framework®, combined assurance Read More >>
GENERATING EXTRA VALUE AND BUSINESS RESILIENCE THROUGH THE ‘SIX CAPITALS’ (2019-07-24) By Stephen Simmonds (Director: SynergyGRC) and peer reviewed by Terrance M. Booysen (Director: CGF Research Institute) In a world where the interconnected and constantly changing relationships between financial, social and environmental issues are becoming more evident, businesses that remain unaware of their impacts and dependencies on their non-financial relationships attract unnecessary risk. Indeed, these organisations also fail to recognise new opportunities for efficiency, growth, resilience and development. July 24, 2019 Business Resilience, Corporate Governance Framework®, General resilience, business resilience, CGF, SynergyGRC Read More >>