DEMYSTIFYING ISO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STANDARDS AND RELATED GUIDELINES (2019-10-25) By Stephen Simmonds (Independent Lead Consultant - Integrated Management Systems: CGF Research Institute) and peer reviewed by Terrance M. Booysen (Director: CGF Research Institute) The number of management systems has risen dramatically in recent years, reflecting the increasing governance demands being placed on more and more organisations and their boards, and especially so in the wake of a myriad of governance scandals and corporate collapses locally and abroad. October 25, 2019 General, Integrated Management Systems, ISO Standards ISO 37000, iso management system standards, ISO Standards, Stephen Simmonds Read More >>
COMBINED ASSURANCE: IS YOUR ORGANISATION ADEQUATELY ASSURED? (2019-10-01) By Glen Talbot(CA)SA, Travers Cape (CA)SA and peer viewed by Jene’ Palmer CA(SA): CGF Lead Independent Consultants If we have both internal and external auditors, we have combined assurance, right? Wrong! For the board of directors to claim that they have discharged their obligations to implement a Combined Assurance Model requires much more than just the appointment of internal and external auditors. October 1, 2019 Combined Assurance, General combined assurance, lines of defense, board of directors, assurance Read More >>