DO YOU REALLY NEED A CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK®? By Jene’ Palmer and reviewed by Terrance M. Booysen We know that both local and international organisations are continuously having to adapt to operate in uncertain business environments. Locally, the release of the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017, which places stronger emphasis on ‘radical transformation’, against the backdrop of persisting low economic growth rates are only some of the elements giving rise to further uncertainty. Internationally, the business and regulatory implications of the election of President Donald Trump and the vote in favour of Brexit and how these events will impact on local markets and businesses, is still unfolding. It therefore comes as no surprise that recent governance, risk and compliance (‘GRC’) surveys all indicate an increasing need to improve risk oversight and to balance opportunity management with risk management. The challenge lies in being able to achieve these objectives! February 28, 2017 Corporate Governance Framework®, General Read More >>