EVOLVING BOARDS: THRIVING IN THE MIDST OF DISRUPTION (2024-04-15) By Jené Palmer CA(SA) GCB.D (CGF Research Institute: Director) There is a Chinese proverb which states: “The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to a pitcher”. To ensure that organisations continue to thrive in an evolving business environment, boards and business leaders must embrace and adapt to the challenges being presented by shifting landscapes. April 15, 2024 Board of Directors, General, Stakeholders board of directors, governance, management, esg, stakeholder engagement, diversity Read More >>
GOOD GOVERNANCE – IS IT RED TAPE OR A CRITICAL BOARD COMPETENCY? (2024-04-11) By Jené Palmer CA(SA) GCB.D (CGF Research Institute: Director) Let’s just focus on the business and less on governance! Governance stifles innovation and adds red tape! How often have you heard similar sentiments being expressed? The reality is that the role of the board has evolved. Global issues and topics such as geopolitics, diversity and inclusivity, climate and nature, and artificial intelligence, have rendered the traditional approach to board oversight as far too narrow. Today, boards must adopt a more stakeholder-inclusive approach and embrace different perspectives when considering strategy development, risk management and operational and ethical oversight. However, good governance has always been a fundamental competency for board members rather than a set of bureaucratic skills which imposes an additional burden on decision-making within the organisation. April 11, 2024 Board of Directors, Ethics, General, Good Governance, Strategy board, governance, stakeholder engagement, ethical leadership, strategice alignment Read More >>
A DIGITISED GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK SUPPORTS A DECENTRALISED AUTONOMOUS ORGANISATION (DAO) (2024-04-10) By Terrance M. Booysen (CGF Research Institute: CEO) Traditional governance reporting With the age of digitalisation firmly entrenched -- and a global economy on the cusp of the Fifth Industrial Revolution -- forward-thinking organisations worldwide have embraced the notion of equipping their workforce for greater meaning and purpose. Considering how organisations have the technological means to streamline their business processes, which often has negative implications upon mundane and/or highly repetitive job functions, these organisations understand the importance of a more ‘human-centered’ approach to conducting their business which is fundamental to their future and sustainability. Given the focus on human empowerment -- being one of the 6-capitals cited by the King Report IV™ for Corporate Governance -- the importance of collective governance assessments made by a much broader stakeholder group of the organisation could not be more important. April 10, 2024 Board of Directors, General, Governance Framework, Stakeholders governance, reporting, blockchain, decentralised, board, stakeholders Read More >>