DIGITISING GOVERNANCE: HOW PROFESSIONAL BODIES, TECHNOLOGY AND LEADERSHIP CAN DRIVE SOUTH AFRICA’S RECOVERY (2025-02-04) By Terrance M. Booysen (CGF Research Institute: CEO) In the face of escalating governance challenges in South Africa’s State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) which include Eskom, Denel, Transnet, PRASA and SABC to mention a few, there has never been a greater need for urgent reform, and it’s critical that we begin to take appropriate action. Time and again, we hear leaders admit, “We know we have a governance problem, but we do not know how to fix it, or where to start.” February 4, 2025 General, Governance Framework, Leadership, Praefectus™, Stakeholders governance, framework, leadership, reform, stakeholders, transformation Read More >>
FAILED GOVERNANCE IN STATE ORGANISATIONS IS NOT A SIMPLE BAILOUT! (2023-08-10) By Terrance M. Booysen (CGF Research Institute: Chief Executive Officer) Given the multiple governance failures seen across South Africa, and mostly within the public sector, there is no doubt that this fragile situation is a national disaster. The costs of these governance failures are far worse than the actual monetary losses reported to date. Earlier this year the Reserve Bank estimated that the country’s energy crisis alone is causing losses to the SA economy of approximately $51 million (approximately R942 million) every day. August 10, 2023 Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework, Leadership, Praefectus™ state organisations, Corporate Governance Framework®, governance failures, governance framework, good governance, leadership Read More >>
HONESTY AND TRUTHFULNESS - CAN THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK® HELP? (2023-08-07) By Jené Palmer (CGF Research Institute: Director) Authentic leaders embrace honesty and truthfulness as core principles of their leadership style. They strive to build trust, inspire their teams and foster an environment of openness and integrity. This approach appears to be cut-and-dried. However, in reality, being honest and truthful can be rather tricky. August 7, 2023 Board of Directors, Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework, Leadership, Praefectus™ Corporate Governance Framework®, board of directors, honesty, truthfulness, leadership, truth Read More >>
THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK® - AN ALTERNATIVE TO WHISTLEBLOWING (2023-07-21) By Jené Palmer (CGF Research Institute: Director) Whistleblowing can be a courageous act, but it is not always the best option for everyone due to potential risks and consequences. It is also true that by the time any whistleblowing mechanisms are used, the damage has already been done to the organisation and its stakeholders. This begs the question then: what is the alternative? July 21, 2023 Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework, Praefectus™, Stakeholders, Whistleblowers Corporate Governance Framework®, governance framework, whistleblowing, whistleblowers, unethical, stakeholders Read More >>
INTERNAL AUDIT REQUIRE GREATER REPRESENTATION ON THE BOARD (2019-08-05) A plethora of corporate governance codes has been written across the world, and in spite of their recommendations which inter alia seek to protect stakeholder interests and shareholder value, many governance failures and organisational collapses continue seemingly unabated. August 5, 2019 Board of Directors, Combined Assurance, Corporate Governance Framework®, General, Governance Framework, Internal Audit, Praefectus™, Risk corporate governance codes, Chief Audit Executive, Corporate Governance Framework®, combined assurance Read More >>